The Archbishop then began the celebration of communion, praying over the gifts and leading the congregation in the eucharistic prayer, praying for King Charles as the Defender of the Faith and Protector of the People. During the prayers the choir sang ‘The Sanctus’, composed for the King’s Coronation service by Roxanna Panufnik. At the end of the prayers the Archbishop invited the congregation to join in praying the Lord’s Prayer, each saying it in their own language.
The choir then sang the ‘Agnus Dei’, composed for the King’s Coronation service by Tarik O’Regan. Their Majesties, standing at the Chairs of Estate, then received the Bread and the Cup from the Archbishop and took Holy Communion. The Archbishop then returned to the Altar and said the post communion prayer and prayed the final blessing: “Our help is in the Name of the Lord; Who hath made heaven and earth. Blessed be the Name of the Lord; Now and henceforth, world without end. Christ our King, make you faithful and strong to do his will, that you may reign with him in glory; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, rest upon you, and all whom you serve, this day, and all your days. Amen.”
The choir then sang the ‘Amen’, composed by Orlando Gibbons, and were joined by the congregation for the final hymn ‘Praise My Soul the King of Heaven’, composed by John Goss based on words from Psalm 103.
The choir then sang the anthem ‘The King Shall Rejoice’, composed by William Boyce for the Coronation of King George III based on words from Psalm 21, and then a second anthem ‘Te Deum’, composed by William Walton for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II and arranged by John Rutter. As the choir sang, the Procession formed up in the Theatre.
In the meantime, The King and Queen repaired to Saint Edward’s Chapel. The King was there disrobed of the Robe Royal and was arrayed in his Robe of Estate of purple silk velvet, made for the Coronation of King George VI. The Queen was arrayed in her Robe of Estate, a new design created and embroidered for this Coronation decorated with insects including bees and butterflies drawing on the themes of nature and the environment, and reflecting Their Majesties’ affection for the natural world. In addition, there were a total of twenty-four plants featured on the robe, all chosen for their personal associations.